We specialize in digital solutions, both in software and hardware.
We have been developing software as tools for service staff in a wide variety of professions since 2016. Our main product CHECK-ME-NOW is aimed at building cleaning and makes analogue work easier with many digital features. Registration and deregistration of service staff, performance recording and control takes place via a simple app and/or in an online portal. Thanks to our competence in the development of hardware components, we are also able to offer you different displays that make life easier for your service staff and facility managers.
In our development forge, we form LCD screens in a wide variety of shapes and for many different applications.
Our first display - the D-STAND, a digital pavement sign, is now sold throughout Europe and the USA. It impresses with its elegant design and is easy to use. As a result, he quickly became known on the digital signage market. Many other digital signage solutions have emerged in recent years. After many years of cooperation, a company was founded in Hong Kong with our Chinese producer. A branch in London is currently being set up.
References such as Austrian Post, Media Markt, Nespresso, Austrian Railways, T-Mobile are just a small excerpt from our list of references. We are particularly proud of the close cooperation with integrators, shopfitters and digital signage CMS providers, who increasingly rely on our know-how.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success

Dr. Harald Peterka
CEO / Gründer

Moritz Enzo Piller
Vertrieb / Projekt Management

Thomas Eggenhofer
Prokurist / Administration

Björn Hartmann
Technischer Support

Susanne Peterka
Prokuristin / Anwendungsmanagement

Katja Peterka

> Flughafen Köln
> Flughafen Frankfurt
> Flugahfen Wien
> IGK Facility
> Luc Hotel Berlin
> Cleantec1 / Australien

Austrian post
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